March 23, 2024
The Receiver is working to return nearly 700 calls and voicemail messages left by Investors over the past
9 months. Many of these calls and messages were made long before the receivership was established.
The Receiver’s goal is to place a return call to every Investor. However, repeated calls do not improve
response times. We are listening to every message and taking notes to capture the questions and concerns expressed by Investors. Repeated calling only slows down this process.
The receivership does not have the resources to staff a call center, and though we do have a small team
working on this and many other issues, it will take time to listen and respond to every voicemail message.
Therefore, we ask that everyone remain patient – all calls will be returned as soon as possible. Faster
responses can be had by emailing specific questions to the Receiver using either the contact form on the
receivership website or by emailing the Receiver directly at
PLEASE NOTE: None of Reliant’s former employees remain at Reliant. Currently, calls placed to Reliant
phone numbers are routed to the Receiver, and emails sent to former Reliant personnel and email address are routed to the Receiver. However, the best number to call is (470) 703-4600 and the best email address to use is